Basic things you must know as a web developer

Web technology is the method that the markup languages and multimedia packages in the computer use to communicate with each other. So in this article I am going to discuss with you about the basic technologies in web development as a web developer should know.
1. Browsers
3. Web development framework
4. Programming languages
5. Protocols
6. API
7. Data formats
8. Client (or Client-side)
9. Server (or Server-side)
Now let’s talk about each one that I mentioned above.
- Browsers

We can think of the browser as an interpreter of the web. Because browsers request the information and it displays all the information that we can understand. Therefore there are so many browsers nowadays. Such as google chrome, safari, Mozilla and Microsoft edge. Not only that but also browser affect to the speed at which websites load. As an example, older versions of web browsers have struggled to load some assets and code rather than the new version of browsers.

Once the receiving the requested information to the browser, browser can display.
All of them using HTML. For a better understanding about the HTML, we should learn about the CSS as well. Because CSS helps to interpret HTML elements in a better way which means it is user friendly to display the website.
3.Web development framework

Web development frameworks are created to make web development faster and easier. It provides tools for creating, deleting, reading and updating operations in the website. Therefore when we are using the frameworks, we can find there are so many libraries that help to access the database, managing the session and cookies creating templates to display HTML pages and more.
Not only that but also there are so many benefits for the using framework to web development. Such as
- Speed up custom web application development
- No need to write additional code
- Work with databases more efficiently
- Protect websites from targeted security attacks
like that.
Therefore angular, React JS, Vue.js, Express.js are the some frameworks that are in the industry nowadays.
4. Programming languages

For creating a website, we write some code using IDE. Because computers can not understand the human language so we use different programming languages to build a website and show the information in an attractive way to the user, there are some languages I can mention here. There are JavaScript, PHP, Go, Ruby and Java like that.
5. Protocols

Protocol is a set of rules which are used to communicate with computers on the internet. Protocols identify each data packet which is sent to the receiver address. When we visit the web page, the computer uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol to download the page from another computer somewhere on the internet. Therefore Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) created by Pamela Fox.
As well as we use web sockets to create a constant connection between client and the server. As a result of that, we can get updates for the website in real time without having to refresh the website which is named as DDP.
6. API

API means application programming interface which allows some functionality without sharing code. Therefore it helps to create complex functionality within an easy way. As well as today, the API has reached a sophisticated level. There are various types of API. Some of them are Open APIs (Public APIs), Partner APIs, Internal APIs (private APIs), and Composite APIs. Therefore as an example for well made APIs are those created by Facebook, Twitter, and Google for their web services
7. Data formats

Which means when we store the data, we have to store that data in a proper manner. Otherwise the browser can not understand that. So JSON, xml and csv are some of the data formats. In the JSON, for storing and exchanging the data we use some specific syntax for it. Which is called JavaScript object notation. It’s like xml. However JSON is a very popular data format nowadays as well.
8. Client (or Client-side)

Each user of a website or any other application can be named as a client. Clients can be a computer, mobile, or a table etc. however multiple users can interact with the same application which is stored in a specific server.
9. Server (or Server-side)

Application codes are stored in the server. When the client sends a request to the server and the server responds to these requests after they collect all the required information.
All in all, here are the basic technologies that we must know about web development. As well as web development technologies are being updated all the time to make it easy and efficient.
So I think this article will help you well and hope to meet you again with another interesting article.