C Programming Language
Hello friends, in this article, I am going to discuss about Datatypes in C Programming Language. A Datatype, as the name implies, specifies the type of data being utilized. We must indicate the type of data whenever we define a variable or use any data in a C language program so that the compiler knows what to expect. Broadly, data types can divided into five categories:
- Basic
Example: character, integer, floating-point, double.
- Derived
Example: Array, structure, union, etc.
- Enumeration
Example: enums
- Bool type
Example: true or false
- void
Example: Empty value
C Primary Data types
There are five basic(primary or primitive) datatypes. They are
· Character
· Integer
· Floating-point
· Double
· Void
These data types can be specified using keywords.

Every data type has a size specified in bits/bytes, and a range of values that it may hold.
Size of different Datatypes
The size of various data types is determined by the compiler and processor used.
char-1 byte
int-2 bytes/4 bytes
float-4 bytes
double-8 bytes
void-0 byte
C Datatype Modifiers
In the C language, there are 4 datatype modifiers, that are used along with the basic data types to categorize them further.
· signed
· unsigned
· long
· short
Signed and unsigned are used to represent signed(+ and -) and unsigned(only +) values for any data type, as their names imply. And the range of values for any datatype is affected by long and short.
example: signed int, unsigned int, short int, long int, etc..
C Datatype Value Range